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  • Myrjam Van de Vijver

Happy New Year!

It seems ages since we've posted an update, but we're still alive and well. The most shocking thing that is happening in our lives are the numerous aftershocks of the big earthquake in November.

And it's now full on summer in Wellington, which basically means, rain, and wind (lots of it) with a sunny day or two a week. So, when the sun decides to show itself, we like to take the full opportunities for some good ol' hiking!

And so it happened, that last week, we decided to do a big hike (compared to what we did up until now). First thing we learn is to not trust Google Maps walking times.

Who know, maybe we're the slow ones, but the total hike took us 8h instead of 5h. But maybe that's because we got lost along the way. And had to stop every 100m to take a picture. But still, Google was incredibly wrong.

Anyway, it was a beautiful hike! The first part we had already done once before to go and see the sunset, and the last part we previously hiked as well, but the weather got so bad, we had to turn back earlier than planned. However, everything was breathtaking! And even on the parts we had already hiked, we enjoyed our great view.

Here are some pics of our first hike up to the wind turbine to watch the sunset. In the first one, you can even spot our apartment building.

First off, the hike takes us through Central Park, just 10min away from our apartment. It start off as a regular park, but soon we were immersed in a huge rainforest-like environment, with weird and exotic bird sounds all around. It's the best!

After that, the nature gets more coastal and almost seems Mediterranean, with low bushes everywhere. And with the sea in sight, and the sun beating down on us, it felt like summer holiday.

The mountains were also full of animals! We found a hole, where there was clearly some kind or rodent living, and spotted birds and insect alike.

Last but not least, the hike took us to the Red Rocks. In winter, this is a rendez-vous spot for seals (no luck for us this time around), and in summer it's still nice, with the rocks scattered everywhere, beaten down by the wave.

All in all, we were happy that some random guy offered us a lift for the last bit of the hike. Kiwi's really are the friendliest. And so, after a little walk to the bus stop, and a stop in a shop for ice cream, we got home tired, and sun burnt, but with some great memories!

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