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  • Myrjam Van de Vijver

Home is...

Two week ago, we found a place to live, that we are now slowly turning it into a home. We got all our stuff back together and out of suitcases, which is a good start. Hooray for getting art supplies an slippers back!

Other than that, there isn't much to report on. We haven't found a job (yet), but we're looking. We try to get a bit of a routine going, in which we do normal work stuff most of the days, and choose the sunniest day of the week to go out and explore. (Adventure is out there, right?) And thus, Monday morning we awoke with the sun shining through our blinds, brightly announcing a perfect day for exploring. We soon headed to the south coast of Wellington, as there are some beautiful beaches and hiking trails down there.

As you can see, the sun was soon hidden behind massive, threatening clouds, and not long after that a strong wind set in, blowing sand into our faces. Luckily for me (Myrjam), I changed out of my dress, and into a pair of trousers right before heading out the door! And thus concludes this week's adventures.

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